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Now or Never

3 Aug

Have you been in a company dealing with distribution of products, building a network of people or simply doing networking business? Here are some things that you should remember every time you approach your prospective clients or customers.

  1. They need you rather than you need them.

You come to them and offering opportunities and not expenditures.  People sometimes think that you come because you are selling products to them or trying to recruit them to join in your business. But, what they do not realize is you are just sharing your products or business with them. Whether they will buy or not, whether they will join or not, still, business as usual for you.

  1. Only a mind-setting and change of attitude

Sometimes when you come to them and start to explain your business, people seem not interested, not paying attention or doing something that keep them busy.  It seems that you are disturbing them on their daily routines. In other words, they are not open for any possible opportunities because they believe that what they are doing now can benefit them most. They closed their minds already and stick on what kind of attitude they have.

  1. Enforce positive attitude and avoid negativism

Do you believe that positive plus positive is equal to positive or negative plus negative is equal to negative? If you believe in this simple mathematics equation, why should you not go into a positive way of thinking and a positive of action in order to produce a positive result? Think and act positively, then, you will possibly get a higher chance to gain a positive result.  Please avoid negative people.  These people cannot help you to build up self-confidence in order to attain whatever your goals in life.  Instead, they might hinder your purpose for success.

  1. Strongly believe on what you are doing.

The most important for you to success in the business is if you are strongly believe on what you are doing.  You strongly believe that this business will succeed someday. You strongly believe that no matter what happens, you are there always to support your business and never quit.